Difference between revisions of "ROS Raspberry Pi Demo"

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   nano on.py
   nano on.py
= References =
* [http://wiki.ros.org/ROSberryPi/Installing%20ROS%20Indigo%20on%20Raspberry%20Pi ROS on Raspberry Pi]
* [http://www.robopgmr.com/?p=4281 tf]

Revision as of 20:16, 24 February 2017



Demo the ROS installation.

terminal 1


terminal 2

 cd catkin_ws/
 source devel/setup.bash 
 rosrun motor_hat motor_hat_node 

terminal 3

 rosnode list
 rostopic list
 rostopic echo cmd

terminal 4

 cd catkin_ws/
 source devel/setup.bash
 rosrun motor_hat stop.py 
 rosrun motor_hat on.py 

TBD - QUESTION - Why isn't the message often not received by the motor_hat_node?

Code Inspection

The next line can be added to ~/.bashrc.

 source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
 roscd hat_node
 cd src

Look at the code

 emacs on.py&
 emacs motor_hat_node_cpp&

If emacs isn't installed use nano.

 nano on.py