Sisters Network Configuration

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WiFi Setup

Problem Statement

"Is there any way to ping the WiFi devices from my wired network?"

"No. Both are Private local networks. The G-Wifi Primary has a NAT firewall that prevents unsolicited IP traffic from entering on its WAN port. I suspect you have an implementation that is creating a double NAT situation, i.e. the WAN port of your G-Wifi primary has a 192.168.0.x address. G-Wifi is design to assume that the WAN port has a Public IP Address, not a Private IP Address. If you want your hardwired devices to be able to interact with the devices attached to the G-Wifi network, they must all be on the same subnet, i.e. 192.168.86.x and physically connected off a G-Wifi LAN port or switch attached to it."


Set the robots and the support machines to work off the C2100T router's LAN and WAN network named zdome. Don't try to go through Google WiFi network.

Network Configuration


Environment Settings

  • Make sure the ~/.bashrc ROS_MASTER, ROS_HOSTNAME and TURTLEBOT3_MODEL are set
  • Add the directory ~/catkin_ws/src/tr3host/maps
  • Check the joystick in teleop.launch in the launch directory is set correctly