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= Why Use Abstraction =
= Why Use Abstraction =
* Makes it easier to reason about complex programs
* Makes it easier to reason about complex programs by reducing the detail you have to think about at one time
* Easier to test programs - can test small part individually
* Makes is easier to test programs - we can test small part individually
* Code is reused making it more reliable
* Makes the code is reusable saving time. We can more easily takes code from one program and use it somewhere else.
* Makes code more reliable by allowing us to use the same code over and over.
= Code Outline =
= Code Outline =
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// autonomous program that drives bot in the shape of a square.
// Ed C. Epp
// March 18, 2022
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotor;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotorEx;
@Autonomous(name="Drive in a square v05", group="Concept")
// --------------------------- DriveInASquare class -----------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public  class DriveInASquare extends LinearOpMode
public  class DriveInASquare extends LinearOpMode
    double TARGET_DISTANCE    = 300;        // mm (about 12 inches)
    double MAX_MOTOR_VELOCITY = 600;        // mm / second
    double TARGET_TURN        =  90;        // degrees
    int    SQUARE_SIDES      =  2;
    DcMotorEx leftMotor;
    DcMotorEx rightMotor;
     public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException
     public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException
         // Configure the motors
         double TARGET_DISTANCE    = 300;                    // mm (about 12 inches)
         leftMotor = hardwareMap.get(DcMotorEx.class,"myLeftMotor");
         double MAX_MOTOR_VELOCITY = 600;                     // mm / second
         double TARGET_VELOCITY    = MAX_MOTOR_VELOCITY / 4;
         rightMotor = hardwareMap.get(DcMotorEx.class,"myRightMotor");
         double TARGET_TURN        = 90;                    // degrees
        int    SQUARE_SIDES      =  4;
        telemetry.addData("Mode", "waiting");
        // wait for start button.
        // wait while opmode is active and
        // left or right motor is busy running to position.
         int count = 0;
         int count = 0;
         while (opModeIsActive() && count < SQUARE_SIDES)
         while (opModeIsActive() && count < SQUARE_SIDES)
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        // wait 5 sec to you can observe the final encoder position.
    // ----------- driveForMmAt ----------------------------------------
    // Drive for a specific distance and velocity
    //    distanceMm:  target distance in mm
    //    velocityMm:  target velocity in mm per second
     void driveForMmAt (double distanceMm, double velocityMmPerSec)
     void driveForMmAt (double distanceMm, double velocityMmPerSec)
        // REV-41-1300 Core Hex Motor
        // 4 Ticks per revolution at the motor
        // Gear ration: 72:1 motor revolutions per output revolution
        // 72 motor rev per output rev * 4 ticks per rev  => 288 ticks per output rev
        // REV-41-1354 90 mm traction wheel
        // 90 mm Wheel diameter
        // 90 mm * pi => 283 mm / rev
        double mMPerTick = 283.0 / 288.0;
        double ticksToMove = distanceMm / mMPerTick;
        // telemetry.addData("  mMPerTick  ticksToMove  ", mMPerTick + "  " + ticksToMove);
        double ticksPerSecond = velocityMmPerSec / mMPerTick;
        // reset the motors
        // telemetry.addData("ticksPerSecond  ", ticksPerSecond);
        // telemetry.update();
        while (leftMotor.isBusy() || leftMotor.isBusy())
            telemetry.addData("position  velocity ", leftMotor.getCurrentPosition() +
                                                    "  " + leftMotor.getVelocity());
        // set motor power to zero to turn off motors. The motors stop on their own but
        // power is still applied so we turn off the power.
    // ---------- turnForDegrees -----------------------------------
    // turnDegrees:  target turn in degrees
    // To be completed by the student
     void turnForDegrees (double turnDegrees)
     void turnForDegrees (double turnDegrees)
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= Full Code One Method =
= Full Code One Method =
* [[DriveInASquare.java]]
* '''Exercise 1''': The turn method is not completed. Your job is to complete it. The challenges are
** Computing the clicks for each wheel for a differential drive robot.
** Compensating for wheel slippage.
** The program probably is not optimum and may execute slowly. For example, it may re-execute motor commands that should be executed once. Explore techniques to make it computer more efficiently.
** Currently the program is not driving straight. Why?
* [https://github.com/edcepp/FTCJavaLabs/blob/main/DriveInASquare.java Drive In a Square] to be finished

Latest revision as of 13:31, 18 March 2022

Why Use Abstraction

  • Makes it easier to reason about complex programs by reducing the detail you have to think about at one time
  • Makes is easier to test programs - we can test small part individually
  • Makes the code is reusable saving time. We can more easily takes code from one program and use it somewhere else.
  • Makes code more reliable by allowing us to use the same code over and over.

Code Outline

  • Code based on FTC_Motor_Encoders_20200304
  • Enhance the drive forward with encoders using the setVelocity to drive the robot in a square.

public  class DriveInASquare extends LinearOpMode
    public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException
        double TARGET_DISTANCE    = 300;                     // mm (about 12 inches)
        double MAX_MOTOR_VELOCITY = 600;                     // mm / second
        double TARGET_TURN        =  90;                     // degrees
        int    SQUARE_SIDES       =   4;

        int count = 0;
        while (opModeIsActive() && count < SQUARE_SIDES)
            turnForDegrees (TARGET_TURN);

    void driveForMmAt (double distanceMm, double velocityMmPerSec)


    void turnForDegrees (double turnDegrees)


Full Code One Method

  • Exercise 1: The turn method is not completed. Your job is to complete it. The challenges are
    • Computing the clicks for each wheel for a differential drive robot.
    • Compensating for wheel slippage.
    • The program probably is not optimum and may execute slowly. For example, it may re-execute motor commands that should be executed once. Explore techniques to make it computer more efficiently.
    • Currently the program is not driving straight. Why?
  • Drive In a Square to be finished