Difference between revisions of "Migrate Phidgets to catkin"

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(Set Up Phidgets Catkin Package)
(Set Up Phidgets Catkin Package)
Line 32: Line 32:
* [[Phidgets CMakeLists]]
* [[Phidgets CMakeLists]]
* [[Phidgets package.xml]]
* No modifications to <tt>package.xml</tt>.

Revision as of 10:24, 12 April 2016


motor_control_hc listens to odom and cmd_vel messages. Configuring this feedback system is intuitive and the control does not read param values properly. The most straight forward means to debug the controller was to port it to catkin. This page documents how that was done. Other Phidgets components should be similar.


Set Up Phidgets Catkin Package

 cd ~/catkin_ws_indigo/src
 catkin_create_pkg phidgets_cat std_msgs rospy roscpp
 cd ..
 cd src/phidgets_cat/
 cp ~/ros_workspace_tabor/phidgets/src/motor_control_hc.cpp src
 emacs CMakeLists.txt&
 emacs package.xml&
 cd ..