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(Odometry (1.2))
(Velocity Measurements)
Line 78: Line 78:
= Velocity Measurements =
= Velocity Measurements =
[[Velocity Measurements for Navigation]]
* Velocity: 0.37 m/sec
* Acceleration: 1.85 m/sec^2
* See [[Velocity Measurements for Navigation]] for details
= Odometry (1.2) =
= Odometry (1.2) =

Revision as of 12:56, 17 November 2016


Removing Warning Messages


 [ WARN] [1478392084.188946161]: Trajectory Rollout planner initialized with param meter_scoring not set. 
         Set it to true to make your settins robust against changes of costmap resolution.

Add the following to base_local_planner_params.yaml.

 meter_scoring: true

See Base Local Planner

 ~<name>/meter_scoring (bool, default: false)
     Whether the gdist_scale and pdist_scale parameters should assume that goal_distance and 
     path_distance are expressed in units of meters or cells. Cells are assumed by default. New in 
     navigation 1.3.1


 [ WARN] [1478203082.270333593]: MessageFilter [target=map laser_link ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. 
         Please turn the [ros.costmap_2d.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.

Replaced laser_link in costmap_common_params.yaml with neato_laser. It should be:

 scan: {sensor_frame: neato_laser, data_type: LaserScan, topic: /scan, marking: true, clearing: true}

This matches neato_laser link in the base_to_laser transform node launched in tf_laser.launch.

    <node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="base_to_laser" 
      args="0.202 0 0.111 0 0 0 1 base_link neato_laser 100" />

loop missed its desired rate

 [ WARN] [1472599582.846147341]: Map update loop missed its desired rate of 3.0000Hz... 
                                 the loop actually took 0.6902 seconds
 [ WARN] [1472599583.225435205]: Control loop missed its desired rate of 20.0000Hz... 
                                 the loop actually took 0.0500 seconds

I believe these went away by specifying the following in the files below. Values were blindly taken from the Linorobot. The Linorobot is using an Arm processor. The NUC is an i5. So these values need to be tuned.

File global_costmap_params.yaml:

 update_frequency: 1.0
 publish_frequency: 0.5

File local_costmap_params.yaml:

 update_frequency: 1.0
 publish_frequency: 5.0

File move_base_params.yaml:

 controller_frequency: 3.0
 planner_frequency: 1.0

clearing costmap

 [ WARN] [1478397424.655524100]: Clearing costmap to unstuck robot (0.200000m).
 [ WARN] [1478397440.988817375]: Clearing costmap to unstuck robot (0.200000m).
 [ WARN] [1478397451.655523284]: Rotate recovery behavior started.
 [ WARN] [1478397476.989649728]: Clearing costmap to unstuck robot (1.840000m).
 [ WARN] [1478397487.656283953]: Rotate recovery behavior started.
 [ERROR] [1478397512.990517118]: Aborting because the robot appears to be oscillating over and over. 
         Even after executing all recovery behaviors

These have not yet been resolved.

map request failed

 [ INFO] [1478392082.697004023]: Requesting the map...
 [ WARN] [1478392082.699439192]: Request for map failed; trying again...

Believed to be a race condition that resolves on next attempt.

Velocity Measurements

Odometry (1.2)


Terminal 1


Terminal 2

 roslaunch floor_hugger keyboard_teleop.launch

Terminal 3

 roslaunch floor_hugger active_mapping.launch

Used "d" to rotate the Floor Hugger slowly clockwise. The following is after four or more rotations. Edges look well defined.

Rotate office anotated.png