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(Install ros2_intel_realsense Binary Packages - Better)
Line 86: Line 86:
* Failed: realsense_ros2_camera - It could not find some of the stuff for librealsense2 which compiled fine above. Not sure what to do.
* Failed: realsense_ros2_camera - It could not find some of the stuff for librealsense2 which compiled fine above. Not sure what to do.
== Install ros2_intel_realsense Binary Packages - Better ==
== Install ros2_intel_realsense From Source - Better ==
Moved to the following instructions on the ROS org repository site which changed the source compile for Foxy
Moved to the following instructions on the ROS org repository site which changed the source compile for Foxy

Revision as of 12:30, 14 May 2021



I adapted the following Dashing instructions below to Foxy.

Then I tried these Foxy instructions I found did the source install differently

  • [1] ROS org RealSense Foxy Release]

Install ROS2 Dependences

sudo apt update

TBD: I didn't do an upgrade because that has sometimes broken things. This may be a mistake.

The following were already installed.

  • ros-foxy-cv-bridge
  • ros-foxy-message-filters
  • ros-foxy-image-transport

The following installed successfully.

  • rose-foxy-librealsense2

Install Other non-ROS Debian Packages

The following were already installed.

  • libssl-dev
  • libusb-1.0-0-dev
  • pkg-config
  • libgl1-mesa-dev
  • libglu1-mesa-dev

The following were installed successfully

  • libgtk-3-dev
  • libglfw3-dev

Install ros2_intel_realsense Binary Packages - failed

It could not locate the following packages.

  • ros-foxy-realsense-camera-msgs
  • ros-foxy-realsense-ros2-camera

So I move to the source process.

Install ros2_intel_realsense from Source - Failed

 $ cd image_ws/src/

 $ git clone https://github.com/intel/ros2_intel_realsense.git
       Cloning into 'ros2_intel_realsense'...
       remote: Enumerating objects: 961, done.
       remote: Total 961 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 961
       Receiving objects: 100% (961/961), 1.08 MiB | 7.80 MiB/s, done.
       Resolving deltas: 100% (567/567), done.
 $ ls
       image_pipeline  ros2_intel_realsense

The image_pipeline did not compile cleanly. So to avoid getting error messages from its packages that did not compile, disable compiling it.

 $ cd image_pipeline/

 $ cp ~/eepp_ws/src/image_listener/CATKIN_IGNORE .

 $ cd ..

 $ cd ..
 $ colcon build --symlink-install --parallel-workers 1

These are the results for each package

  • Success: realsense_camera_msgs
  • Failed: realsense_ros2_camera - It could not find some of the stuff for librealsense2 which compiled fine above. Not sure what to do.

Install ros2_intel_realsense From Source - Better

Moved to the following instructions on the ROS org repository site which changed the source compile for Foxy

  • [2] ROS org RealSense Foxy Release]
 $ cd src/

 $ ls
       image_pipeline  ros2_intel_realsense

 $ cd ros2_intel_realsense/

 $ git checkout refactor
       Branch 'refactor' set up to track remote branch 'refactor' from 'origin'.
       Switched to a new branch 'refactor'

 $ ls
       CHANGELOG.rst  README.md           realsense_msgs  realsense_ros
       LICENSE        realsense_examples  realsense_node

 $ cd ../..

 $ colcon build --symlink-install --parallel-workers 1

These are the results for each package

  • Success: realsense_msg
  • Failed: realsense_ros
  • Success: realsense_node
  • Success: realsense_examples

Notes and Logs