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(Capturing Video in ROS Using image_view on the Client)
(Capturing Video in ROS Using image_view on the Client)
Line 124: Line 124:
Using image_view on Adams had severe latencies. Option 2 above is an attempt to remove load from Adams.
Using image_view on Adams had severe latencies. Option 2 above is an attempt to remove load from Adams.
=== Configuration 3 ===
* Master teleop on Hood
* Client teleop on Adams
* Video capture on Adams with image_view
=== Client Script ===
=== Client Script ===

Revision as of 11:56, 7 January 2016

Master Script

 DATE=$(date '+%Y%m%dT%H%M')       
 case "$1" in
   echo START
   roscore > $LOGDIR/roscore$DATE.log &
   sleep 5
   pgrep -a roscore
   rosrun phidgets motor_control_hc > $LOGDIR/motors$DATE.log &
   sleep 5
   pgrep -a motor_control
   roslaunch $LAUNCHDIR/usb_cam_server.launch > $LOGDIR/usb_cam$DATE.log &
   sleep 5
   pgrep -a usb_cam 
   rosrun web_video_server web_video_server > $LOGDIR/video_server$DATE.log &
   sleep 5
   pgrep -a web_video_server 
   echo STOP
   killall -SIGINT web_video_server
   killall -SIGINT usb_cam_node
   killall -SIGINT motor_control_hc
   killall -SIGINT roscore
   killall -SIGINT rosmaster
 echo DONE

Web Cam Launch Script

In usb_cam_server.launch. See server script for launch command.

   <node name="usb_cam" pkg="usb_cam" type="usb_cam_node" output="screen" >
     <param name="video_device" value="/dev/video0" />
     <param name="image_width" value="320" />
     <param name="image_height" value="240" />
     <param name="pixel_format" value="mjpeg" />
     <param name="camera_frame_id" value="usb_cam" />
     <param name="io_method" value="mmap"/>

Client Script

Runs on Adams and is the same as ROS Hood Teleop Script.

 DATE=$(date '+%Y%m%dT%H%M')       
 case "$1" in
    echo START
    roslaunch ~/catkin_ws/launch/teleop.launch > $LOGDIR/teleop$DATE.log &
    sleep 5
    pgrep -a joy
    pgrep -a teleop
    echo STOP
    killall -SIGINT teleop_node
    killall -SIGINT joy_node
 echo DONE

Teleop Launch Script

   <arg name="joy_config" default="floorHugger" />
   <arg name="joy_dev" default="/dev/input/js0" />
   <node pkg="joy" type="joy_node" name="joy_node">
     <param name="dev" value="$(arg joy_dev)" />
     <param name="deadzone" value="0.3" />
     <param name="autorepeat_rate" value="20" />
   <node pkg="teleop_twist_joy" name="teleop_twist_joy" type="teleop_node">
     <rosparam command="load" file="$(find teleop_twist_joy)/config/$(arg joy_config).config.yaml" />

Capturing the Video in a browser

In web browser and click on image_raw


Configuration 1

  • Master teleop on Hood
  • Client teleop on Adams
  • Video capture in an Adams browser

This was unusable. There was substantial delay in the video display and real-time joystick control. This Asus 1000 EEE PC net book was introduced in 2008. It does not have sufficient video throughput.

Configuration 2

  • Master teleop on Hood
  • Client teleop on Adams
  • Video capture in an iMac browser.

The video delay was substantially reduced. The Mac is a late 2009 with a 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo.

The real-time joystick control from the Asus web tablet had substantial delays. It made the robot nearly uncontrollable. TBD - Root cause. Is this a configuration (for example, see the joystick configurations in the above teleop launch script), processor or network latency issue?

Capturing Video in ROS Using image_view on the Client

Using image_view on Adams had severe latencies. Option 2 above is an attempt to remove load from Adams.

Configuration 3

  • Master teleop on Hood
  • Client teleop on Adams
  • Video capture on Adams with image_view

Client Script

This script adds the impage_view lanch to the above client script.

 eepp@adams:~/catkin_ws/scripts$ cat teleop_client_init_video.sh 
 DATE=$(date '+%Y%m%dT%H%M')       
 case "$1" in
    echo START
    roslaunch $LAUNCHDIR/teleop.launch > $LOGDIR/teleop$DATE.log &
    sleep 5
    pgrep -a joy
    pgrep -a teleop
    roslaunch $LAUNCHDIR/usb_cam_client.launch > $LOGDIR/image_view$DATE.log &
    sleep 5
    pgrep -a image_view
    echo STOP
    killall -SIGINT image_view
    killall -SIGINT teleop_node
    killall -SIGINT joy_node
 echo DONE

image_view Launch Script

In usb_cam_client.launch. See client script immediately above.

   <node name="image_view" pkg="image_view" type="image_view" respawn="false" output="screen">
     <remap from="image" to="/usb_cam/image_raw"/>