Difference between revisions of "Sisters Dell ROS 2 Foxy Install 20210219"

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(Install vcstool)
(Install TurtleBot3 Packages - Source Install)
Line 74: Line 74:
== Install TurtleBot3  Packages - Source Install ==
== Install TurtleBot3  Packages - Source Install ==
  $ sudo apt-get install ros-foxy-dynamixel-sdk*
        Reading package lists... Done
        Building dependency tree     
   $ mkdir -p ~/turtlebot3_ws/src
   $ mkdir -p ~/turtlebot3_ws/src
Line 94: Line 99:
         Resolving deltas: 100% (3413/3413), done.
         Resolving deltas: 100% (3413/3413), done.
$ pwd
  $ pwd

Revision as of 13:32, 28 June 2021


3.1.1 Download and Install Ubuntu on PC

Ubuntu 20.04 has already been installed. See one of the following for either the PC laptop (Sisters) or Intel NUC (Hood).

3.1.2 Install ROS 2

 $ sudo apt update

 $ sudo apt upgrade

 $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/robotis_tools/master/install_ros2_foxy.sh

 $ chmod 755 ./install_ros2_foxy.sh

 $ bash ./install_ros2_foxy.sh

3.1.3 Install Dependent ROS 2 Packages

Install Gazebo11

  $ curl -sSL http://get.gazebosim.org | sh

 $ sudo apt install ros-foxy-gazebo-ros-pkgs
       Reading package lists... Done
       Building dependency tree       
       Reading state information... Done

Install Cartographer

 $ sudo apt install ros-foxy-cartographer
       Reading package lists... Done
       Building dependency tree     

 $ sudo apt install ros-foxy-cartographer-ros
       Reading package lists... Done
       Building dependency tree   

Install Navigation2

 $ sudo apt install ros-foxy-navigation2
       Reading package lists... Done
       Building dependency tree  

 $ sudo apt install ros-foxy-nav2-bringup
       Reading package lists... Done
       Building dependency tree

Install vcstool

 $ sudo apt install python3-vcstool
       Reading package lists... Done
       Building dependency tree      

Install TurtleBot3 Packages - Source Install

 $ sudo apt-get install ros-foxy-dynamixel-sdk*
       Reading package lists... Done
       Building dependency tree       

 $ mkdir -p ~/turtlebot3_ws/src
 $ cd ~/turtlebot3_ws/src/ 

 $ git clone -b foxy-devel https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3_msgs.git
       Cloning into 'turtlebot3_msgs'...
       remote: Enumerating objects: 19, done.
       remote: Counting objects: 100% (19/19), done.
       remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done.
       remote: Total 261 (delta 3), reused 12 (delta 2), pack-reused 242
       Receiving objects: 100% (261/261), 74.79 KiB | 602.00 KiB/s, done.
       Resolving deltas: 100% (104/104), done.

  $ git clone -b foxy-devel https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3.git
       Cloning into 'turtlebot3'...
       remote: Enumerating objects: 5441, done.
       remote: Total 5441 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 5441
       Receiving objects: 100% (5441/5441), 119.74 MiB | 4.18 MiB/s, done.
       Resolving deltas: 100% (3413/3413), done.

 $ pwd

$ cd ..
$ colcon build --symlink-install
       Starting >>> turtlebot3_msgs
       [0.259s] WARNING:colcon.colcon_core.prefix_path.colcon:The path '/home/eepp/turtlebot3_ws/src/install' in the environment variable COLCON_PREFIX_PATH doesn't exist
       [0.259s] WARNING:colcon.colcon_ros.prefix_path.ament:The path '/home/eepp/turtlebot3_ws/src/install/turtlebot3_teleop' in the environment variable AMENT_PREFIX_PATH doesn't exist
       [0.259s] WARNING:colcon.colcon_ros.prefix_path.ament:The path '/home/eepp/turtlebot3_ws/src/install/turtlebot3_example' in the environment variable AMENT_PREFIX_PATH doesn't exist
       [0.259s] WARNING:colcon.colcon_ros.prefix_path.catkin:The path '/home/eepp/turtlebot3_ws/src/install/turtlebot3' in the environment variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH doesn't exist
       [0.259s] WARNING:colcon.colcon_ros.prefix_path.catkin:The path '/home/eepp/turtlebot3_ws/src/install/turtlebot3_bringup' in the environment variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH doesn't exist
       [0.260s] WARNING:colcon.colcon_ros.prefix_path.catkin:The path '/home/eepp/turtlebot3_ws/src/install/turtlebot3_node' in the environment variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH doesn't exist
       [0.260s] WARNING:colcon.colcon_ros.prefix_path.catkin:The path '/home/eepp/turtlebot3_ws/src/install/turtlebot3_navigation2' in the environment variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH doesn't exist
       [0.260s] WARNING:colcon.colcon_ros.prefix_path.catkin:The path '/home/eepp/turtlebot3_ws/src/install/turtlebot3_msgs' in the environment variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH doesn't exist
       [0.260s] WARNING:colcon.colcon_ros.prefix_path.catkin:The path '/home/eepp/turtlebot3_ws/src/install/turtlebot3_description' in the environment variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH doesn't exist
       [0.260s] WARNING:colcon.colcon_ros.prefix_path.catkin:The path '/home/eepp/turtlebot3_ws/src/install/turtlebot3_cartographer' in the environment variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH doesn't exist
       Starting >>> turtlebot3_description
       Starting >>> turtlebot3_cartographer
       Starting >>> turtlebot3_navigation2
       Finished <<< turtlebot3_cartographer [1.89s]                        
       Starting >>> turtlebot3_teleop
       Finished <<< turtlebot3_navigation2 [1.92s]
       Finished <<< turtlebot3_description [2.25s]                         
       Finished <<< turtlebot3_teleop [0.90s]                              
       Finished <<< turtlebot3_msgs [15.3s]                       
       Starting >>> turtlebot3_node
       Starting >>> turtlebot3_example
       Finished <<< turtlebot3_example [0.89s]                              
       Finished <<< turtlebot3_node [26.2s]                       
       Starting >>> turtlebot3_bringup
       Finished <<< turtlebot3_bringup [1.10s]                   
       Starting >>> turtlebot3
       Finished <<< turtlebot3 [1.06s]                   

       Summary: 9 packages finished [43.9s]

Notes and Logs

Sisters Dell Setup Foxy 20210219 Notes and Logs