TB3 RealSense Test

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Revision as of 18:57, 23 June 2018 by Edc (Talk | contribs)

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Install and Build

Check if Phyton 2's cv2.so is available. See TB3_Movidius_Applications#Fix. The librealsense will fail if the Movidius fix is in place.

 353  sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic
 354  sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-librealsense
 356  cd ~/catkin_ws/src
 357  git clone https://github.com/intel-ros/realsense.git
 358  ls
 359  cd realsense
 360  git checkout 1.8.0
 361  cd ../..
 362  catkin_make -j2

Run RealSense node

On Joule

** Fails **

 roslaunch realsense_camera r200_nodelet_default.launch
 process[camera/nodelet_manager-1]: started with pid [3347]
 process[camera/driver-2]: started with pid [3348]
 [ERROR] [1520401984.426480445]: Skipped loading plugin with error: XML Document '/opt/ros/kinetic/share/gmapping/nodelet_plugins.xml' has no Root Element. This likely means the XML is malformed or missing..
 [FATAL] [1520401984.451311263]: Failed to load nodelet '/camera/driver` of type `realsense_camera/R200Nodelet` to manager `nodelet_manager'
 [ INFO] [1520401984.490259260]: Initializing nodelet with 4 worker threads.
 [camera/driver-2] process has died [pid 3348, exit code 255, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/nodelet/nodelet load realsense_camera/R200Nodelet nodelet_manager depth:=depth color:=color ir:=ir ir2:=ir2 fisheye:=fisheye imu:=imu __name:=driver __log:=/home/eepp/.ros/log/64429cee-21c2-11e8-ad62-080027c0cb1e/camera-driver-2.log].
 log file: /home/eepp/.ros/log/64429cee-21c2-11e8-ad62-080027c0cb1e/camera-driver-2*.log
 ^C[camera/nodelet_manager-1] killing on exit

On Dell


video0 is the internal camera. video1, 2, and 3 belong to RealSense. See below when it RealSense in plugged in

 $ ll /dev/video*
     crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 0 Jun 23 16:40 /dev/video0
 $ ll /dev/video*
     crw-rw----+ 1 root video   81, 0 Jun 23 16:40 /dev/video0
     crw-rw----+ 1 root plugdev 81, 1 Jun 23 18:47 /dev/video1
     crw-rw----+ 1 root plugdev 81, 2 Jun 23 18:47 /dev/video2
     crw-rw----+ 1 root plugdev 81, 3 Jun 23 18:47 /dev/video3


Terminal 1

 roslaunch realsense_camera r200_nodelet_default.launch

Terminal 2


In the Image View drop box select

  • "/camera/color/image_raw" for a raw image
  • "/camera/depth/image_raw" and adjust the threshold for a depth image


  • Fails on Joule
  • Runs on Dell