TB3 ROS Moving Object

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Revision as of 12:04, 28 February 2019 by Edc (Talk | contribs)

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Build and Runtime Dependencies

Build Steps

The following was missing from the dependencies. It fails to make without it. See section 6.1 of the README.

 $ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-kobuki-msgs
 $ cd catkin_ws/src/
 $ git clone https://github.com/intel/ros_moving_object
 $ cd ..

 $ catkin_make

 $ catkin_make install

Launch Steps

From section 5 (Launch Steps) of the README.md

Runs February 2019 and can inspect with rqt_graph. Have not idea of how to use this. Fix problem in Terminal 5

Modified for lib RealSense2

Terminal 1

 $ roscore

Terminal 2

 $ roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch enable_pointcloud:=true enable_sync:=true

Terminal 3

 $ roslaunch object_analytics_launch analytics_movidius_ncs.launch input_points:=/camera/points

Terminal 4

 $ roslaunch moving_object moving_object.launch

Terminal 5

 $ roslaunch object_analytics_visualization rviz.launch

Bottom of page ROS Ojbect Analytics Displays no image

Problem needs to be resolve. Check displaying RGB images from Realsense ROS Wrapper


Launch 1 Depreciated

STOP Summer 2018

Failed Trying to fix things for the D200 (version 1 of the Realsense drivers created an development incompatibility.

The following didn't launch because its the RealSense 1 (not 2 for D400 series)

 $ roslaunch realsense_ros_camera rs_camera.launch enable_pointcloud:=true enable_sync:=true
     [rs_camera.launch] is neither a launch file in package [realsense_ros_camera] nor is [realsense_ros_camera] a launch file name
     The traceback for the exception was written to the log file

What I attempted to do to fix it The following need to be installed Not

 $ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-realsense-camera
 $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src

 $ git clone https://github.com/intelRealSense/realsense_samples_ros

 $ cd ..

 $ catkin_make
     --   No package 'realsense_persontracking' found
     CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.5/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:367 (message):


 $ mv src/realsense_samples_ros/ src_rm/

Got to find realsense_persontracking. See Realsense Samples about Person Tracking.