Hood NUC Melih ROS2 TB3 Install

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January 18, 2020

ROS 2 on Turtlebot 3 takes place here. Navigation will be removed from the install. I suspect so that the we will be working with the a current release of the Intel Navigation 2 stack.


Install Cartographer dependencies

The following was already installed previously.

 $ sudo apt install -y \
     google-mock \
     libceres-dev \
     liblua5.3-dev \
     libboost-dev \
     libboost-iostreams-dev \
     libprotobuf-dev \
     protobuf-compiler \
     libcairo2-dev \
     libpcl-dev \

See Hood ROS2 Melih Cartography Dependencies Log

Install Navigation2 dependencies

The following was already installed previously as well.

 $ sudo apt install -y \
     libsdl-image1.2 \
     libsdl-image1.2-dev \
     libsdl1.2debian \

See Hood ROS2 Melih Navigation2 Dependencies Log