Add Server Turtlebot3 Hood Waffle Foxy Tensorflow 20210615

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The goal is to create a new TensorFlow Object Detector by modifying Install Turtlebot3 Hood Waffle Foxy Tensorflow 20210615.

Sanity Test

Test Build

Build Passed

 $ cd tf_ws/

 $ colcon build --symlink-install
       Starting >>> ros2_tf_core
       Starting >>> tf_interfaces
       Finished <<< ros2_tf_core [1.46s]                                             
       Finished <<< tf_interfaces [2.40s]                     
       Starting >>> tf_classification_py
       Starting >>> tf_detection_py
       Finished <<< tf_detection_py [1.75s]                               
       Finished <<< tf_classification_py [1.79s]          
       Starting >>> ros2_tensorflow
       Finished <<< ros2_tensorflow [0.21s]                  

       Summary: 5 packages finished [4.66s]

Test Execution

Test Passed: Repeat Object Detection Task 2 in Install Turtlebot3 Hood Waffle Foxy Tensorflow 20210615 to make sure Foxy TensorFlow is not broken.

Add a New Server

Add the Server Code

Add a catsNdogs object detection server that does the same thing that the server does. It enables us to allows us to modify a new server without destroying any existing examples. We can then focus changes on the catsNdogs server.

 $ cd ~/tf_ws/src/ros2-tensorflow/tf_detection_py/tf_detection_py/examples

 $ cp

Modify the Build Setup

 $ cd ../..

 $ cp

 $ emacs

Add the catsNdoes detection server to the build. Do a diff to document the change.

 $ diff
       >             'catsNdogs = tf_detection_py.examples.catsNdogs:main',

Test the Build

Check what servers are in the current install directory.

 $ cd ~/tf_ws/install/tf_detection_py/lib/tf_detection_py/

 $ ls
       client_test  face_detection  server
 $ cd ~/tf_ws
 $ colcon build --symlink-install
       Starting >>> ros2_tf_core
       Starting >>> tf_interfaces
       Finished <<< tf_interfaces [1.26s]                                            
       Finished <<< ros2_tf_core [1.39s]          
       Starting >>> tf_classification_py
       Starting >>> tf_detection_py                       
       Finished <<< tf_classification_py [1.53s]                          
       Finished <<< tf_detection_py [1.53s]
       Starting >>> ros2_tensorflow
       Finished <<< ros2_tensorflow [0.20s]                  

       Summary: 5 packages finished [3.34s]
 $ cd ~/tf_ws/install/tf_detection_py/lib/tf_detection_py/

 $ ls
       catsNdogs  client_test  face_detection  server

Build still passed

Notes and Logs