Lentin Joseph's chefbot Code

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Motor Control Python Scripts

 cd ~/ros_packages/LentinJoseph/mastering_ros/chapter_9_codes/chefbot/chefbot_bringup/scripts
     bkup_working        pid_velocity.py        simple_navig_goals.py
     chefbot_teleop_key  robot_gui.py           twist_to_motors.py
     diff_tf.py          SerialDataGateway.py
     launchpad_node.py   SerialDataGateway.pyc
  • pid_velocity.py takes wheel velocity commands and does pid power
  • twist_to_motors.py takes navigation twist and converst to motor velocities

= Motor Control C++ Source

 cd ~/ros_packages/LentinJoseph/mastering_ros/chapter_9_codes/_cpp/src
     bkup  diff_tf.cpp  twist_to_motor.cpp
  • twist_to_motor.cpp takes nav twist and converts to motor velocities