FTC Make Coding Easier with Methods 20230112

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Why Use Abstraction

  • Makes the program easier to think about
  • Makes is easier to test programs - we can test small part individually
  • Makes the code easier to user over and over saving time. We can more easily takes code from one program and use it somewhere else.
  • Makes code more reliable by allowing us to use the same code over and over.

Move the Robot in a Square Demo Code

Check Points

  1. Copy the Drive In A Square program to your robot and test it.
  2. Investigate a simplified outline of the move in a square program to help you understand how to write methods. See FTC Drive In a Square Outline 20230112.
  3. Modify the program to move forward 18 inches, turn left 90 degrees, and move backward 12 inches.
  4. Modify the program to work with 4 motors so you can support the Mecanum drivetrain.

Using the Android Debugging Bridge to Locate Bugs