Create and Build Follow

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Revision as of 14:01, 20 May 2012 by Edc (Talk | contribs)

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Create Follow

The Follow package will depend on messages, Python, and C++ packages.

eepp@tabor:~$ cd ros_workspace

eepp@tabor:ros_workspace$ roscreate-pkg follow std_msgs rospy roscpp
Created package directory /home/eepp/ros_workspace/follow
Created include directory /home/eepp/ros_workspace/follow/include/follow
Created cpp source directory /home/eepp/ros_workspace/follow/src
Created package file /home/eepp/ros_workspace/follow/Makefile
Created package file /home/eepp/ros_workspace/follow/manifest.xml
Created package file /home/eepp/ros_workspace/follow/CMakeLists.txt
Created package file /home/eepp/ros_workspace/follow/mainpage.dox

Please edit follow/manifest.xml and mainpage.dox to finish creating your package

This will create the follow directory with make files, a source and include directories.

epp@tabor:ros_workspace$ cd follow

eepp@tabor:follow$ ls
CMakeLists.txt  include  mainpage.dox  Makefile  manifest.xml  src

manifest.xml will contain the dependencies listed in the package create command.

eepp@tabor:follow$ cat manifest.xml
  <description brief="follow">


  <author>Ed C. Epp</author>
  <review status="unreviewed" notes=""/>
  <depend package="std_msgs"/>
  <depend package="rospy"/>
  <depend package="roscpp"/>
