TB3 ROS OpenCL Caffe

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Revision as of 10:28, 6 July 2018 by Edc (Talk | contribs)

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  • Done: Ubuntu 16.04
  • Done: ROS kinetic
  • Done: RGB Camera

Environment Setup

  • ROS Kinetic - See TR3_Intel_ROS_Project#Software_Environment
  • Catkin Workspace - See TR3_Intel_ROS_Project#Software_Environment
  • clCaffe TB3 clCaffe - Done - This step is misleadingly involved. It is also finicky. It took me several trials to get it right. Once done, it doesn't appear that difficult. It is easy to miss a detail that puts you on a bad path. Furthermore, there is a lot of glue here to stitch together components from diverse environments, for example, ROS catkin, classic Ubuntu, rpm, Debian, and OpenCL.
  • Create a symbol link in /opt/clCaffe
 $ sudo ln -s /home/eepp/code/clCaffe/ /opt/clCaffe
  • Add clCaffe libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
 $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/clCaffe/build/lib