Rev. Heinrich H Epp

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“Rev. Heinrich H. Epp is a retired farmer residing in Henderson township, his home being on section 9. For many years he was closely associated with the agricultural development of this section of the state and owns a highly improved and productive farm which annually returns in him a substantial income. Mr. Epp was born in southern Russia, April 8, 1857, his parents being Heinrich and Marie (Regier) Epp, who were also natives of Russia, in which country the mother passed away. Later the father married again and in 1874 came to America, settling on the farm in York county which is now owned by his son Heinrich. He secured a tract of railroad land which he purchased for four dollars and twenty cents per acre. It was entirely undeveloped and unimproved but with characteristic energy he began to break the sod and till the the fields and on his place he built a little board dwelling and a sod barn. He continued to engage in the cultivation and development of this place until his death, which occurred in 1885.
"Heinrich H. Epp of this review is the only surviving member of a family of four children. He spent the period of his boyhood and youth and acquired his education in Russia and in Germany. He was but seventeen years of age when he came to the new world and he continued to make his home with his father until the latter's death. He then came into possession of the farm but has extended its boundaries from time to time by additional purchase and was once the owner of sixteen hundred and eighty acres of valuable land. Since then, however, he has given to each of his children an eighty-acre tract but still retains a valuable holding for himself. He always carried on general farming, producing the crops best adapted to soil and climatic conditions here and likewise engaged successfully in stock raising. In fact he became recognized as a very progressive agriculturist and one who at all times displayed sound business judgment. He added to his farm all modern improvements, secured the most up-to-date machinery to facilitate the work of the fields, planted a fine orchard and raised fruit of all kinds. He also became one of the stockholders of the McCloud Hotel.
“In 1880 Mr. Epp was married to Miss Helena Peters, a native of Russia, who came to America in 1878 with her parents, Dietrich and Helena (Fast) Peters, who were also natives of that country. To Mr. and Mrs. Epp were born the following children: Margaret, the wife of D. J. Mierau of Your county; Rev. H. D. Dietrich; Cornelius; Helen, the wife of D. P. Mierau; Marie the wife of J. K. Friesen; Jacob, who was born February 12, 1892 and died on the 4th of September following; Johann, who was born 1894: Elizabeth, born July 19, 1896; Sarah, who was born July 24, 1898, and died January 3, 1909; and Gustav, who was born August 7i, 1901, and died December 31, 1908.
"In his political views Mr. Epp has been a stalwart republican since age conferred upon him the right of franchise and for several years he serve as school director. He has always been interested in everything pertaining to public welfare and progress and his cooperation has been an important element in advancing many interests for the public good. He has long been a most active worker in the Bethesda church, served as deacon for eleven years and in 1895 was ordained as a minister of the church in which he is now also serving as elder. He has always stood for those forces which make for the material, intellectual, social and moral progress of the community and has long been recognized as one the the valued and representative citizens of York county.”

Theron E. Sedgwick York County, Nebraska and its People 1921, pp 1017-1018.