Hood Upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 20210311

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Sanity Check

Make sure I really know what I have installed

 $ lsb_release -a
       No LSB modules are available.
       Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
       Description:	Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
       Release:	18.04
       Codename:	bionic


Note: All the windows and icons in this section are captured from Ubuntu 20.04.

In the lower left corner on the Ubuntu desktop I selected the "Show Applications" icon.


Performed a search for the "Software & Updates" application. See icon second from the left below.


In the "Software & Updates" application select the "Other Software" tab.


The updater may not know how to upgrade this software so deselect all other software, for example, the RealSeanse packages.


Notes and Logs