Hood Ubuntu Vanilla TensorFlow Install and Test 20210708

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Tensorflow Install

Install Tensorflow - First Attempt

 pip install tensorflow
        ERROR: launchpadlib 1.10.13 requires testresources, which is not installed.

Install Tensorflow - Second Attempt

 sudo apt install python3-testresources

 pip install tensorflow

Optional Dependencies

Tensorflow Object Detection Models

I don't understand if I installed this later.

Tensorflow Slim

 $ pip install --upgrade tf_slim


Finding a Test Set

Downloading the Examples

I followed the instructions in the README.md file at the above link.

 $ cd

 $ mkdir Tensorflow

 $ cd Tensorflow/

 $ git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/examples --depth 1

 $ cd Tensorflow/examples/courses/

 $ ls
       udacity_deep_learning                          udacity_intro_to_tensorflow_lite

 $ cd udacity_intro_to_tensorflow_for_deep_learning/

 $ ls

Why I thought this would be interesting path to investigate, I not know. But this ended up matches a Udacity course I am taking. It is just the test I am looking for.

Executing Lesson 3 from the Udacity Course

Install Jupyter

The jupyter install was done as part of the Tensorflow Foxy Alsora install referenced at the top of this page. See the Build section in the following link. It appears to come in handy here for extract Python source code.

Up Jupyter Notebook with Python 3 on Ubuntu 20.04 and Connect via SSH Tunneling] This may be an interesting link to follow up on.

 $ pip install --user Cython contextlib2 jupyter matplotlib Pillow

Extracting and Executing Python Source in Notebook

 $ cd ~/DeepLearning/fromExamples

 $ cp ~/Tensorflow/examples/courses/udacity_intro_to_tensorflow_for_deep_learning/l03c01_classifying_images_of_clothing.ipynb .

 $ ls

 $ jupyter nbconvert --to script l03c01_classifying_images_of_clothing.ipynb 
       [NbConvertApp] Converting notebook l03c01_classifying_images_of_clothing.ipynb to script
       [NbConvertApp] Writing 6784 bytes to l03c01_classifying_images_of_clothing.txt

 $ ls

 $ mv l03c01_classifying_images_of_clothing.txt l03c01_classifying_images_of_clothing.py

 $ cp l03c01_classifying_images_of_clothing.py l03c01_classifying_images_of_clothing.py.org

 $ python3 l03c01_classifying_images_of_clothing.py 
       File "l03c01_classifying_images_of_clothing.py", line 35
         !pip install -U tensorflow_datasets
       SyntaxError: invalid syntax

 $ emacs l03c01_classifying_images_of_clothing.py &
       [2] 63731

 $ diff l03c01_classifying_images_of_clothing.py.org l03c01_classifying_images_of_clothing.py
       < !pip install -U tensorflow_datasets
       > # !pip install -U tensorflow_datasets

 $ python3 l03c01_classifying_images_of_clothing.py 


  • Appears to work like it does in the Colab Notebook. I am amazed.
  • It is not clear when I installed the tensorflow_datasets

This gives me confidence that my vanilla Tensorflow install is working.

Aside: Running Jupyter

Open jupyter in web browser

 $ jupyter notebook

Navigate to an *.ipynp file and click on it. The selected notebook appears in new browser window


Select "Run in Google colab". An active notebook appears in a new browser window.


Notes and Logs

The install Tensorflow Foxy install went badly. So I went for a simpler vanilla Tensorflow install that did not integrate with ROS2.