Turtlebot3 Waffle NUC Humble Testing 20240520

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Make adams work reliable at boot given the following HW configuration.

  • Use a wireless keyboard with an associate wireless mouse to free one USB port
  • An HDMI monitor
  • Use the OpenCR which will take the second USB port
  • The third USB port will be used by the Lidar version 1
  • This leaves two lightning ports
  • Using power brick that came with to box

The Setting


Power Up

I had a little trouble with controlling the wheels. In particular, the keyboard_teleop didn't work. The following sequence turned out to be reliable. This is something to be debugged latter. In years past I booted the OpenCR and NUC simultaneously and also in any order.

Power up outline

  1. Power on the OpenCR board first
    1. wait for the boot finished chime
  2. Test the OpenCR by striving the wheels with Robotis controller
    1. Using the Robotis xxx Controller 20240521
  3. Power up adams and log in
  4. In T1 bring up
   $ source scripts/bringup.sh
  1. in T2 bring up the keyboard teleop program
   $ source scripts/keyboard_teleop.sh

Bring up log details are at Turtlebot3_Waffle_NUC_Humble_Configure_20240426#Signs_of_Life_Test