Sisters Install Ubuntu

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Ubuntu 16.04


Boot from the Ubuntu Install Flash Drive

  • The rear left USB port appeared to be the most reliable. This is probably not true.
  • If it does not boot to the flash drive, then press F2 rapidly at boot time to go to the BIOS
  • Navigate to General->Boot Sequence while the USB flash drive is plugged in
  • Move the flash drive to the top
  • Apply and then Exit
  • It should boot to the flash drive
  • When I reinstalled, I chose "Erase Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS and reinstall"
  • Below are general information about creating the boot install flash drive and installing Ubuntu.

Resulting Partitions

Exploring the partions after a dual boot install. Notice that partition 7 and 8 is where Ubuntu ended up and the Window partions are visible. After the dual boot install I did a

 sudo parted -l  
     [sudo] password for eepp: 
     Model: ATA SAMSUNG SSD PM87 (scsi)
     Disk /dev/sda: 256GB
     Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
     Partition Table: gpt
     Disk Flags: 

     Number  Start   End    Size    File system     Name                          Flags
      1      1049kB  525MB  524MB   fat32           EFI system partition          boot, esp
      2      525MB   660MB  134MB                   Microsoft reserved partition  msftres
      3      660MB   138GB  137GB                   Basic data partition          msftdata
      7      138GB   234GB  96.4GB  ext4
      8      234GB   243GB  8454MB  linux-swap(v1)
      4      243GB   243GB  485MB   ntfs                                          hidden, diag
      5      243GB   255GB  11.6GB  ntfs                                          hidden, diag
      6      255GB   256GB  1141MB  ntfs                                          hidden, diag
 df -Th
     Filesystem     Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
     udev           devtmpfs  3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev
     tmpfs          tmpfs     785M  9.5M  776M   2% /run
     /dev/sda7      ext4       89G  8.7G   76G  11% /
     tmpfs          tmpfs     3.9G   99M  3.8G   3% /dev/shm
     tmpfs          tmpfs     5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
     tmpfs          tmpfs     3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
     /dev/sda1      vfat      496M   66M  431M  14% /boot/efi
     tmpfs          tmpfs     785M   76K  785M   1% /run/user/1000

Ubuntu Certification


First selected Dell Laptop. Then the following search parameters

  • 5378
  • Laptops
  • Pre-installed by manufacture
  • 16.04 LTS
  • Dell


 Canonical works closely with OEMs to certify Ubuntu on a range of their hardware.
 The following are all certified. More and more devices are being added with each release, so don't forget to check this page regularly.
 Showing results for "5378":
 Dell Inspiron 13-5378 Laptop

Create Boot Ubuntu Installation of USB On Windows


Download Ubuntu

Get Rufus for Windows

  • UEFI - In section 4 "Installing Ubuntu for Single Boot with a Radom Boot Mode" follow the link in step 1 to "LiveUSB"
  • LiveCD Go to section 2 "How-To LIVECD ubuntu" to step 1 under "To create a LiveUSB". Follow the "Installation/FromUSBStick" link.
  • Installation From USB Stick In section 7 "Creating a bootable Ubuntu USB flash drive from Windows". I clicked on the link in the "Ubuntu's official recommendation" and got to the following Tutorial.
  • Tutorial to Create a bootable USB stick on Windows.
  • Rufus rufus-2.18p.exe was downloaded on my Dell laptop. Put it in ...\epp\bin

Running Rufus

  • Followed instructions at Create a USB stick on Windows tutorial
  • Started Rufus
  • Inserted USB stick - it ended up as unreadable in E: device 7.8 GB
  • Picked MBR partion sched for UFI
  • Clicked on the CD icon next to "Create a bootable dis using", ISO Image pulldown. and found the ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64 iso
  • Clicked "Start"
  • A down load of xxx was requested and oked - see screen dump
  • ISO image detected box and I left as default "Write in ISO image mode (Recommended"
  • It found something wrong on the USB drive and fixed it before I could read it.

Install Ubuntu


  1. UEFI goto "Accessing the UEFI settings from Windows 8"
  2. hold down shift and keep holding
  3. reboot
  4. "Choose and option " blue screen
  5. select "Use a device"
  6. selectd "UEFI: Removable Device"
  7. select "Install Ubuntu"

Didn't work for me

Created a Bootable Install USB on Mac



  • Plug in USB dongle
  • Open Mac terminal window
 diskutil list
   /dev/disk4 (external, physical):
      #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
      0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *7.8 GB     disk4
      1:             Windows_FAT_32 KINGSTON                7.7 GB     disk4s1
 sudo umount /dev/disk4s1
   umount(/Volumes/KINGSTON): Resource busy -- try 'diskutil unmount'
 diskutil umount /dev/disk4s1
   Volume KINGSTON on disk4s1 unmounted
 sudo dd if=ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/rdisk4s1 bs=1m
   1514+1 records in
   1514+1 records out
   1587609600 bytes transferred in 749.040110 secs (2119525 bytes/sec)
 diskutil eject /dev/disk4s1
   Disk /dev/disk4s1 ejected

The 1m and rdisk4s1 in the dd command improve speed.