FTC Compute Move Distance 20221014

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Lab 3: Compute Distance

Beginning Notes


  • Where am I? is a key question a robot must know to get some things done.
  • Odometry is the use of sensor data to estimate a robot's position: Odometry from Wikipedia.
  • An encoder is an example sensor that can be used to answer that question: Encoder from Wikipedia.
  • Dead reckoning is figuring out where you are based on where you were and your estimate on how far you moved in some direction: Dead Reckoning from Wiipedia.

Check Points

  1. Locate the Core Hex Motor (REV-41-1300) on the REV Robotics web site. What is the encoder count for one shaft out revolution?
  2. What is the diameter of a REV-41-1354 Traction Wheel?
  3. How far does the robot go with each revolution of this wheel in? (Compute the wheel's circumference.)
  4. Convert the circumference from millimeters to inches.
  5. Compute how far does the robot moves in 1000 encoder counts.
  6. Measure how far the robot move in the MotorPositionEpp.java to check your answer to check your answer.

Check Points

Run an Example Program

References - Digging Deeper

  • DC Motors
  • Using Encoders
  • Autonomouse Navigation OnBot
    • For Java code see: "Setting Velocity" subsection in the program "HelloWorld_EncoderAuton".
    • There is also subsection labeled "Turning the Divetrain Using RUN_TO_POSITION"
    • There is also an earlier sections called "Moving to a Target Distance."

Motor and Encoder Diagrams

  • IncrememtalEncoder.jpg
  • HallEncoder.jpg