Gmapping with XV 11 using ROS

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Incomplete Notes

tf is not in place



 sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-gmapping
 sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-navigation


In a new window do the following. See Floor Hugger Launch Scripts. Make sure the use_sim_time param is false.

 rosparam set use_sim_time false
 roslaunch floor_hugger survey.launch

In a new window

 rosbag record scan odom tf

Rosgraph captured with rqt_graph.

Survey rosgraph.png

Use the joystick to teleop in the space to be mapped.

Create Map

Kill the above tasks. Then in the first window.

 rosparam set use_sim_time true
 rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping

or the following launch file with custom map size. gmapping.launch

 roslaunch floor_hugger gmapping.launch

In another window playback the recorded messages

 rosbag play --clock 2016-04-11-20-28-51.bag

Once rosbag play is complete save the map by doing the following in another window before killing the gmapping task..

 rosrun map_server map_saver

Kitchen One Pass Map

This is roughly a 9 foot straight slow run from the kitchen/dining room door toward the stove island. (Data is stored in floor_hugger/bags/kitchen11)

Map one pass.png

Kitchen Two Pass Map

This is roughly a 9 foot straight slow run from the kitchen/dining room door toward the stove island. There is a 180 counter clockwise rotate with a drive roughly back to the starting position. (Data is stored in floor_hugger/bags/kitchen11)

Note: It is clear that odometry need careful calibration.

Map two pass.png

Node Graph

Mapping rosgraph.png

Debugging and Analysis

Useful command

 rosbag info 2016-04-11-20-28-51.bag
