Difference between revisions of "Building a Webcam Display"

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(Build the Workspace)
(Build the Workspace)
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== Build the Workspace ==
== Build the Workspace ==
=== For Jade ===
I did the following in the Jade environment - when bashrc had the following.
  source /opt/ros/jade/setup.bash
   mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
   mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
Line 20: Line 23:
   . ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
   . ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Experiment - setup.bash add this workspace to ROS_PACKAGE_PATH in a particular shell. I did the above the Jade environment - when bashrc had the following.
=== For Indigo ===
  source /opt/ros/jade/setup.bash
For the following bashrc has
Experiment - setup.bash add this workspace to ROS_PACKAGE_PATH in a particular shell. I did the above the Indigo environment - when bashrc had the following.
   source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
   source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash

Revision as of 11:00, 6 November 2015


Build the Workspace

For Jade

I did the following in the Jade environment - when bashrc had the following.

  source /opt/ros/jade/setup.bash
  mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
  cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
  cd ..
  . devel/setup.bash 
  cd src/
  catkin_create_pkg follow std_msgs rospy roscpp
  cd ..
  . ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

For Indigo

Experiment - setup.bash add this workspace to ROS_PACKAGE_PATH in a particular shell. I did the above the Indigo environment - when bashrc had the following.

 source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
 . devel/setup.bash 

Package Setup

TBD: First pass - all these files need to be cleaned up.

In ~/catkin_ws/src/follow

In ~/catkin_ws/src/follow/src


  cd ~/catkin_ws


TBD: clean up the next line

 rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node ~video_device "/dev/video0"
 rosrun follow camera_display