Difference between revisions of "TB3 Intel ROS Object Analytics"

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Other Ros packages
Other Ros packages
* [[Package: Object Msgs (1)]]
* object-msgs [[TR3 Intel ROS Project]]
* [[Package: ROS Intel Movidius NCS (4)]]
* ros_intel_movidius_ncs[[TB3 Intel ROS Project]]

Revision as of 15:22, 26 June 2018



  • OpenCV version 3.2 or 3.3.


Compiling dependecies

  • roscpp, nodelet, and ros-kinetic-opencv3 found with "aptitude search roscpp | grep ^i"
  • libpcl and libpcl-dev found but not the -all with aptitude search
  • std_msgs, sensor_msgs, geometry_msgs, dynamic_reconfigure, pcl_conversions, and cv_bridge found with "find /opt -name std_msgs;

Other Ros packages