ROS Video Streaming

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ROS Web Video Server



The first install attempt requested the following command be run.

 sudo dpkg --configure -a

The video web server depended on collada-dom. It created other unmet dependency errors and an overwrite errors for a cmake file. "This seems to be related to ROS, the Robot Operating System, the main user of Collada. It may be a problem with having both ROS-Indigo and Ros-Jade (different versions) installed." See this link for help: Unmet dependencies. Jade is installed on this system. To fix the following was done.

 sudo apt-get install -f
 sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/collada-dom2.4-sp-dev_2.4.4.1-ubuntu1~trusty1_amd64.deb

Now the following worked.

 sudo apt-get install collada-dom2.4-sp-dev
 sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-async-web-server-cpp
 sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-web-video-server


Terminal 1


Terminal 2

 roslaunch floor_hugger usb_cam_server.launch

/dev/vidoe0 is not set properly when booting into the console only. An error will occur. The work-around is:

 sudo chmod 666 /dev/video0

Terminal 3

 rosrun web_video_server web_video_server

In web browser and click on image_raw


ROS Hood Teleop Video Script (DEPRECIATED)

Launch Script

Launch script placed in the floor_hugger project. To execute

 roslaunch floor_hugger web_video_server.launch



To Investigate