Difference between revisions of "Floor Hugger ROS 1 Indigo"

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(Teleop Master and Client)
(Phidgets Install and Test)
(61 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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* [https://robohow.eu/_media/meetings/first-integration-workshop/ros-tutorial.pdf ROS Workshop]
* [https://robohow.eu/_media/meetings/first-integration-workshop/ros-tutorial.pdf ROS Workshop]
* [[ROS Learnings]] - notes to self about what I want to learn.
* [[ROS Learnings]] - notes to self about what I want to learn.
* [https://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/robotics-software/wizards-of-ros-willow-garage-and-the-making-of-the-robot-operating-system Wizards of ROS: Willow Garage and the Making of the Robot Operating System]
== Launch Scripts ==
== Launch Scripts ==
Line 17: Line 18:
* [[Robot Floor Hugger]]
* [[Robot Floor Hugger]]
* [[Floor Hugger Drive Train]]
* [[URDF Representation of Floor Hugger]]
== Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr Install ==
== Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr Install ==
Line 25: Line 28:
* [[Linux Wireless]]
* [[Linux Wireless]]
* [[NUC Backup]]
* [[NUC Backup]]
* [[Rainier Samba]]
* [[Unrelated Development Tools]]
== ROS Overview ==
== ROS Overview ==
Line 39: Line 44:
* [http://jbohren.com/articles/gentle-catkin-intro/ Gentle catkin intro]
* [http://jbohren.com/articles/gentle-catkin-intro/ Gentle catkin intro]
* [http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.science.robotics.ros.user/2221 multiple computers]
* [http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.science.robotics.ros.user/2221 multiple computers]
* [[ROS Tools]]
== Phidgets Install and Test ==
== Phidgets Install and Test ==
* [[Phidgets Resources]]
* [[Phidgets Installation]]
* [[Phidgets Installation]]
* [[ROS Phidgets Installation]]
* [[ROS Phidgets Installation]]
* [[Phidgets Motor Controller Test]] in ROS
* [[Phidgets Motor Controller Test]] in ROS
* [[Phidgets Motor Encoder]] Test in ROS
* [[Phidgets Motor Encoder]] Test in ROS
* [[Phidgets Motor Encoder Low Level]] Test in ROS
* [[Integrate Motor Controller with Odometry]]
* [[Migrate Phidgets to catkin]]
* [[Migrate Phidgets to catkin]]
* [[Calibrate Phidgets Odometry]]
* [[Calibrate Phidgets Odometry]]
* [[Motor Control 6x Hack for Navigation]]
* [[Adapting SyRoTek Intro to ROS Code]] PID
* [https://index.ros.org/r/phidgets_drivers/#foxy Foxy Phidget Drivers]
== Phidgets Motor Controller Rewrite ==
I was unable to configure the Phidgets ROS motor control to working with the navigation stack.
Quick experiments
documented in [[Motor_Control_6x_Hack_for_Navigation]] page demonstrated that the motor driver was not
coming up to the requested cmd_vel Twist message speed. This section documents my effort to rewrite
the motor controller driver. It also documents anomalies in the Phidgets ROS odometry node.
* [[Robot Dynamics Resources]]
* [[Motor Controller Rewrite]]
** [[motors_go_full.py]] cmd_vel publisher for testing
* [[Using Transforms to Robot Base View]] Not Complete
* [[Phidgets PID]]
** [[Phidgets PID Tuning]]
** [[Creating PID Tuning Graphs]]
** [[Preliminary PID Turning Graphs]]
** [[pid_graph.py]] The Python Script
* [[Odometry Glitches]]
== Phidgets Driver New ==
* [[ROS Phidgets Driver Insall]]
== OpenCV and Test ==
== OpenCV and Test ==
Line 82: Line 117:
* [[Joystick]]
* [[Joystick]]
* [[ROS Teleop]]
* [[ROS Teleop]]
* [[Quigley Gerkey Smart]] Keyboard Teleop with Phyton
* [[ROS Multiprocessor Setup]]
* [[ROS Multiprocessor Setup]]
* [[ROS Control Teleop from EEE PC]]
* [[ROS Control Teleop from EEE PC]]
Line 104: Line 140:
* [[Hood XV_11 ROS Install]]
* [[Hood XV_11 ROS Install]]
* [[Hokuyo URG-04LX-UGo1]]
* [[Setting up the ROS Transforms]]
* [[Setting up the ROS Transforms]]
* [[gmapping with XV_11 using ROS]]
* [[gmapping with XV_11 using ROS]]
* [[SLAM with XV_11 using ROS]]
* [[SLAM with XV_11 using ROS]]
* [[Navigation Setup]]
* [[Navigation Power Measurements]]
* [[Navigation Tuning]]
* [[Leverage rviz]]
== RealSense ==
* [[RealSense Setup]]
== Raspberry Pi ==
* [[ROS Raspberry Pi Hardware]]
* [[Raspberry Pi Image Install]]
* [[Motot Hat Node Installation]]
* [[ROS Raspberry Pi Demo]]
== ROS Presentations ==
* Early imaging / follow place-holder
* 2016 overview place-holder
* [[Introduction to ROS Robot Simulator]]
== ROS Books ==
== ROS Books ==
Line 132: Line 190:
* [https://github.com/utexas-bwi/bwi_experimental/blob/master/bwi_dashboard/README.md BWI Dashboard]
* [https://github.com/utexas-bwi/bwi_experimental/blob/master/bwi_dashboard/README.md BWI Dashboard]
== ROS on Raspberry Pi ==
== ROS Robots ==
* [http://wiki.ros.org/wiki/edison ROS on Intel Edison]
* [[Lentin Joseph's chefbot Code]]
* [http://wiki.ros.org/ROSberryPi/Installing%20ROS%20Indigo%20on%20Raspberry%20Pi ROS on Raspberry Pi]
* [[Turtlebot 3 Code]]
* [http://ros-robotics.blogspot.com AR Tags, plus]
* [http://turtlebot3.robotis.com/en/latest/ Turtlebot 3 latest]
* [http://www.robopgmr.com/?p=4281 tf]
* [[Linorobot]] Uses Neato XV-11 LIDAR, Rock Radxa ARM computer board with Ubuntu, Teensy, plus.
== Python ==
== Curriculum ==
** [https://github.com/ethz-asl/ros_best_practices/wiki Best Practices]
** [http://www.rsl.ethz.ch/education-students/lectures/ros.html Lectures]
** [https://www.ethz.ch/content/dam/ethz/special-interest/mavt/robotics-n-intelligent-systems/rsl-dam/ROS2017/lecture4.pdf Lecture 4]
** [https://www.ethz.ch/content/dam/ethz/special-interest/mavt/robotics-n-intelligent-systems/rsl-dam/documents/RobotDynamics2016/RD2016script.pdf Documents]
* Imperial College London - Andrew Davison
** [https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~ajd/Robotics/ Robotics Course]
** [https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~ajd/Robotics/RoboticsResources/lecture2.pdf Robot Motion]
* [http://learn.turtlebot.com/2015/02/01/10/ Writing a TurtleBot Script] from Learn TurtleBot and ROS
* [https://www.cs.hmc.edu/twiki/bin/view/Robotics/RobotReasoning2012 From Harvey Mudd CS]
* [https://www.cs.hmc.edu/twiki/bin/view/Robotics/RobotReasoning2012 From Harvey Mudd CS]
** [https://www.cs.hmc.edu/twiki/bin/view/Robotics/RobotReasoningLabsForGCC Cleaned up Page]
** [https://www.cs.hmc.edu/twiki/bin/view/Robotics/RobotReasoningLabsForGCC Labs]
** [https://www.cs.hmc.edu/twiki/bin/view/Robotics/PythonCrashCourse HMC Crash Course]
** [https://www.cs.hmc.edu/twiki/bin/view/Robotics/PythonCrashCourse HMC Crash Course]
** [https://www.cs.hmc.edu/~dodds/ROSatSIGCSE2013/ SIGCSE Workshop]
** [https://www.cs.hmc.edu/~dodds/ROSatSIGCSE2013/ SIGCSE Workshop]
== ROS on Intel Edison ==
* [http://wiki.ros.org/wiki/edison ROS on Intel Edison]
== Python ==
* [http://learn.turtlebot.com/2015/02/01/10/ Writing a TurtleBot Script] from Learn TurtleBot and ROS
* [https://www.cs.hmc.edu/twiki/bin/view/Robotics/PythonCrashCourse HMC Crash Course]

Latest revision as of 11:38, 11 May 2021


The focus of this project is learning ROS, SW architecture, AI algorithms and navigation. ROS is of great value because it allows me to pick and choose what I want to learn and what I want to reuse. The goal is to have fun and keep a recently retired SW architect mind in the game. There is no attempt to make this site of value to anyone else. However, I certainly don't mind if you find it of value.

Robot Operating System (ROS) is a software framework for robot software development, providing operating system-like functionality on a heterogenous computer cluster. ROS was originally developed in 2007 under the name switchyard by the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in support of the Stanford AI Robot (STAIR) project. As of 2008, development continues primarily at Willow Garage, a robotics research institute/incubator. In 2013 it was picked up by the Open Source Robotics Foundation ROS Wikipedia Overview

Launch Scripts

Major SW functionality is tied together with launch scripts.


Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr Install

ROS Overview

ROS Install

Phidgets Install and Test

Phidgets Motor Controller Rewrite

I was unable to configure the Phidgets ROS motor control to working with the navigation stack. Quick experiments documented in Motor_Control_6x_Hack_for_Navigation page demonstrated that the motor driver was not coming up to the requested cmd_vel Twist message speed. This section documents my effort to rewrite the motor controller driver. It also documents anomalies in the Phidgets ROS odometry node.

Phidgets Driver New

OpenCV and Test

OpenCV in ROS

Integrate Above Into a Simple Behavior

Rotate the robot to follow an object captured in its web cam.

Teleop Master and Client

ROS master and client computers were configured to coordinate with publish and subscribe message.

  • The master named hood (i5 NUC) is on the floor hugger robot. It subscribes to Twist messages. In one version it publishes video frames and in another it hosts a video streaming server.
  • The remote client named adams (atom netbook) is on the desk with a joystick connected to it. It publishes Twist messages. In one version adams subscribes to video frames and in another it captures hood's video stream on a browser. In a third version an iMac was used to capture the stream on its browser.

These approaches were unusable. Adams was too slow to work with video. The iMac was capable. Twist messages where too delayed for effective control. See the following pages. This approach was abandoned in favor of investigating rosbridge.

teleop rosbridge

Kinect Notes



Raspberry Pi

ROS Presentations

ROS Books

Quigley Gerkey Smart


Notes to self

To Investigate

Notes to self

ROS Robots


ROS on Intel Edison
